Tuesday, August 23, 2011

eBay sales... the I Screwed Up Again edition

So I screwed up yet again with underestimating shipping for international buyers. I can't believe it costs so much. I also had a horrible experience at the P.O. with perhaps the meanest USPS worker in central Ohio. I think he might be Steve from Meijer's brother. Anyway here's what I sent out today:

Risk game= sold for $31.99-$3 I paid for-$29.29 shipping to Spain (WHAT?!)= .30 in the hole. !!!!!
Allen Edmonds from GW Outlet sold for $31.96-$27.50 to Germany=$4.46 :'( so sad... That brings me to $13.35 left to break even on GW Outlet trip #2.

I did do good here:

Allen Edmonds loafers sold for $26.94-$8.23 shipping=$18.71. Yay broke even at GW with $5.36 profit & lots more to sell.

Also sold a lot of Tamagotchis. They cost about $2. Sold for $18.40-$4.56 shipping.

Of course after I went to the P.O. and got depressed, I had to walk next door to the thrift store. I got a Far Side mug for 30 cents, blank cassette tape .50, a No Whining sign for my classroom for .50, 3 Popples magnets for .90, and this thing of Glo Bonz, building toys for .90.

1 comment:

  1. I really hate going to the post office. Our mailman is really nice, but I hate to leave heavy boxes for him, so sometimes I have to go. I'm bad at wrapping and anytime I have a box I've wrapped with the brown paper, they're like "you're going to ship that? Like that?" and I'm like "yes. Yes I am" Then they just roll their eyes and take it. Also yuck for international shipping. I always mess up on that.
